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Contaminated Land

JK Environments provides consulting services for a variety of contaminated land issues. We offer a pragmatic approach that is tailored to our clients’ needs to provide cost-effective solutions.

We assist our clients with statutory and non-statutory requirements for all types of developments, due diligence or environmental compliance. We specialise in consulting services for projects that are subject to review by independent, NSW EPA-accredited site auditors and we have a proven track record of delivering high-quality services on time and on budget.

Our contaminated land consulting services include:

  • Stage 1 (PSI) and Stage 2 (DSI) contaminated site investigations
  • Due diligence and baseline contamination investigations
  • Technical and peer review
  • In-ground asbestos investigations
  • Groundwater and surface water investigations
  • Preparation of Remediation Action Plans (RAPs)
  • Site Validation Assessments and preparing Environmental Management Plans (EMPs)
  • Certified Environmental Practitioner (Site Contamination Specialist) (CEnvP SC) reviews and sign-offs